The world was ravaged by a global pandemic in 2020, the Covid-19 variant of the Coronavirus, which disrupted economies, businesses, and lifestyles. The government in several climes, including Nigeria, declared a lockdown to curtail the spread of the virus and reduce the mortality rate of its citizens.
This also affected our planned outreaches in the year. However, when the lockdown was relaxed, Synergistic Homies organized a dual outreach to the Juvenile Home for Girls and Juvenile Home for Boys respectively on November 28, 2020.
Our goal for this outreach was to contribute to the reformation of the mind of the juveniles to break free from self-set limitations because of their confinement.
At the Juvenile Home for Girls, Joy Olugbemi spoke to the audience on the wonders of creation and the love of Jesus Christ. She reminded the girls of how beautifully and well-created they were and how embracing Jesus’ love can set them free and deliver success.
Winner Jonathan also taught a song to the children which they sang with ecstasy.
Lyrics: I’ve got confidence
God’s gonna see me through
No matter what the case maybe
I know He’s gonna fix it for me.
The girls were really encouraged that they could relate with us and were full of gladness, unlike the initial gloomy state when we started the engagement. Some girls were still singing the song they were taught as they walked back to their dormitory. We were glad that the song stuck to their memories as we believe it will be a reference to developing their faith when they are in a fix.
At the Juvenile for Boys, Jude Nwachukwu spoke with them on walking the path of greatness referencing some notable men of history, how they overcame their limitations and were celebrated for their creative inventions like Thomas Edison. Afterward, we had a counselling session with the boys to address their concerns.
Lily Atotajovwo made paper art for both Juvenile Homes which was presented to the principals along with other donated items to cater to their well-being.
The principals were elated. They appreciated our intent and good work and charged us to come again. Two (2) weeks later, Synergistic Homies revisited the Juvenile Home to create a cinema experience for them. The film aired was titled “Queen of Katwe” which was followed by an interactive session to discuss the lessons learnt from the movie. We also donated decent clothing to ensure the boys maintain proper hygiene for healthy living.
It was such a beautiful experience with the juveniles.