Our commitment extends beyond short-term solutions; we strive for sustainable, long-term change that enriches lives and strengthens communities.

About Us

The ‘Synergistic Homies Initiative’ root stems from a hangout held on January 5, 2019. A gathering which was organized to be just a fun and old-time friends catch-up event metamorphosed into an impact-driven movement, ‘Synergistic Homies’- a coalition of young adults passionate about leading positive influence and rekindling the hope of humanity through impactful outreaches.

Ever since deliberate actions have been and are being taken to see our mantra- ‘Out for Total Impact’ come to life having executed five (5) impactful standalone outreaches and an outreach partnering with Kiyeseni Foundation in the last four (4) years. These outreaches are mostly executed through funds raised from the Synergistic Homies community which have impacted about one hundred (100) beneficiaries, children and adults alike.

The duality of the essence of our existence is also hinged on the all-around development of members of the Synergistic Homies community through intellectual discussions, book review sessions, meet-ups, social hangouts, and strategy sessions. The goal is to develop members’ leadership capacity for more positive influence in society.


The ‘Synergistic Homies Initiative’ was registered formally in 2023 to achieve the following objectives:


To create patterned legacy projects to ensure indigent children gain access to quality education with inclusivity at the core regardless of family/social background.

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